HelpDesk FAQ

Q.How can I register my complaints of Computer,UPS,Printers etc?

Step 1:
Select Complaints -> Register Complaint from the menu bar,available just above this page in green color.
Step 2:
Enter Your Employee ID [As per your salary slip],User Name or Name of the person who is registering the complaint, Serial Number of your computer,UPS or Printer[Eg. COM1254 for Computer,written on your Computer].
Step 3:
Select your problem from the given list.
Step 4:
Select your Location,Department,Section[select Others if not in the list] from the given list.
Step 5:
Enter your contact details like Block [A,B,C,D etc],Floor,Room No [If you know].
Step 6:
Give problem description in brief.
Step 7:
Finally click on Submit.You will get a complain ID for reference.Please note down this reference number for checking status of your complaint.

Q. How can I check my Complaint Status?

Step 1:
Select Complaints -> Check Complaint Status from the menu bar,available just above this page in green color.
Step 2:
Enter your complaint ID and click on submit and you will be able to view your complaint status.

Q. How can I contact computer cell directly?

You can contact on @ 011-24661113 for Internet,Computer,Printer,Mouse etc.
For Software related problems you can contact @ 011-24661469

Q. How can I check warranty of hardware items?

Step 1:
Select Check Warranty from the menu bar,available just above this page in green color.
Step 2:
Select item type and enter item serial number
Step 3:
Click on Submit button to view warranty details.